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New eInnovation Sales
eInnovation Sales
eInnovation Sales
Christopher B
1/16/24, 11:29:54 AM EST
Cristobal M
12/4/24, 12:21:23 PM EST
Dieneke S
12/27/24, 11:26:55 AM EST
Follow up Trie and True media
Dieneke S
12/27/24, 11:27:22 AM EST
Follow up Pure digital
Folluw up holden
Dieneke S
12/27/24, 11:27:45 AM EST
Make eInnovation guide - send out to leads
Dieneke S
12/27/24, 11:35:48 AM EST
Fiver - Izzytivity
Dieneke S
12/27/24, 11:36:57 AM EST
Fix guide link on website - Christopher
Dieneke S
12/27/24, 11:37:56 AM EST
Jason - Cincinatti OH - JWS production
Dieneke S
12/27/24, 11:43:29 AM EST
Kennedy International
Social sharing for eInnovation is important
Dieneke S
12/27/24, 11:44:39 AM EST
eMedialibrary - use it for our own marketing